Fitness Center Patrons Exercising

Fitness Center Dehumidifiers

Commercial Dehumidification for Fitness Centers

We generally recommend building owners keep the relative humidity between 40% to 60%. We also recommend gym owners keep indoor relative humidity between 40% and 50% to make it more comfortable for patrons.

In a fitness center without a commercial dehumidification system, the indoor air quality (IAQ) will greatly suffer; the air and equipment will smell bad, significantly reducing the customer experience. If indoor humidity is left unchecked, moisture will build up, resulting in:

♦ A much shorter equipment life expectancy is caused by corrosion, motor failures, and rust.

♦ Mold, mildew, bacteria seeping into gym equipment, mats, and towels.

♦ This results in poor IAQ, leading to the spread of disease and health problems.

♦ All of this leads to poor customer retention (e.g., bad smells).

♦ Lastly, this can damage the facility or the building.

Additional Challenges for Fitness Centers

Health clubs present additional challenges to the owners. Many centers remain open 24 hrs. a day and, unlike many other businesses, have unique challenges when it comes to controlling humidity:

The more customers you have, the more you need a solution to remove excess humidity. An average person sweats between 0.8 to 1.4 liters (roughly 27.4 to 47.3 oz.) per hour during exercise – this is why patrons are the leading cause of excess humidity in the fitness center.

Showers, steam rooms, hot tubs, and saunas also generate significant moisture.

Lastly, customers come in and out, letting moisture in if it is more humid outside than inside.

Commercial Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture. They work by passing humid air over cold refrigerated coils causing the air moisture to condense, forming water to be removed. Dehumidifiers come in all shapes and sizes and use different methods to dehumidify the air. Dedicated dehumidifiers work with existing HVAC systems; a central AC system is inefficient and cannot effectively remove the excess humidity of a fitness center. It needs a helping hand.

Tips for Dehumidifying Your Fitness Center

How much dehumidification is needed? Factors include the number of patrons during peak hours, seasonal humidity levels outside, inside and outside temperatures, etc.

Secondly, will you require zones? For example, you may need additional dehumidification in auxiliary areas with showers, hot tubs, or rooms dedicated to aerobic exercises.

Lastly, you must consider mechanical factors. How much space do you have for one or more commercial dehumidifiers? How easily can you integrate the system into your ventilation system, and can you accommodate a rooftop unit?

Options Provided by DewAir:


Working with DewAir

When working with DewAir, rest assured that you get the most efficient, large-capacity dehumidifiers available. We test our dehumidifiers before releasing them to the public. These tests first include virtual simulations followed by factoring-testing. We know that each model performs exceedingly well in the real world.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with DewAir to learn more about our commercial dehumidifiers and how we can customize a solution for you. We are here to help you get started.