Fitness Center

DewAir Products

Innovative Designs

All our products are based on innovative patented technology that cost less and delivers significant energy-savings for your dehumidification, heating, cooling, and ventilation projects. 


Decouples dehumidification from cooling

Revolutionary design providing exceptional efficiency

Uses Heat Exchangers resulting in substantial savings

DewAir Product Lines

DewAir has three main product lines designed and optimized for a number of residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

Dehumidifiers and Dehumidification Systems

Our dehumidifiers are suitable for a whole host of applications from residential to commercial to industrial. They are available with either DX (Refrigerant-Based) or CW (Chilled Water) coils. They all provide substantial cost savings and energy savings when compared to any other dehumidifiers on the market today.


Climate Control Units

DewAir Climate Control Units are total packaged units that can tightly control the temperature and humidity of an indoor space. Applications include greenhouses, storage facilities,  and swimming pools.


Integrated Environment Control Systems

IECS systems facilitate the integration of our dehumidifiers into existing HVAC systems. We have IECS systems that enable an RH-Cube 18 DX to:

● share the air conditioner’s condenser with its cooling coil

● condition up to 600 cfm outside air

●  maintain positive building pressure

Main Features

Decouples dehumidification from cooling.

Uses heat exchangers.


Split-Air Architecture.

Front-end design / modular.
Uses several off-the-shelf HVAC components

Main Benefits

Reduces humidity while adding only a small amount of cooling.

Substantial energy savings – can save up to 70% of your relevant energy bill.

Exceptional efficiency and capacity.

Does not add to the air conditioner’s heat load.

Very easy and inexpensive to service by a qualified HVAC technician.